Work Permits
A work permit is a legal document required by the state of California that allows a person less than 18 years of age to hold a job. There are a few steps to obtain a work permit. Please read more about the process and requirements below.
Steps to Apply
Download the Application.
Fill out the personal information at the top of the application, have one parent/legal guardian sign the middle portion of the application, and have the employer fill out the information required in the middle portion.
Yes, you must be offered a job before you are issued an approved work permit.
Scan the code in the flier below (or click here) to submit your completed form and request for processing.
Allow up to 3-5 school days for processing
If approved, you will receive your completed work permit via email.
Bring the completed work permit back to your employer.
Work Experience
Work experience is an optional opportunity to earn general elective credits for working a certain number of hours (5cr = 136 hrs, 10 cr = 272 hrs) in a semester (under an approved work permit).
Students must submit pay stubs, and maintain all other work permit requirements to remain eligible.
You can indicate if you would like to participate through the Work Permit Application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Reach out at the email below if you have any questions: